The number 52563768 is divisible by
which of the following numbers?
(2) 24
(3) 44
Answer: by 24
The number 52563768 is divisible by the number 24.
Answer - (Option 2)
The number 52563768 is divisible the following numbers
Option (1) 22 : Number to be divisible by 2 and 11
It is not divisible by 11.
Option (2) 24 : Prime factorization of 24 = 8 3
Divisibility rule for 3 : sum of digits divisible by 3
Divisibility rule for 8 : last 3 digits divisible by 8
The given number obeys the divisibility rule of 8 and 3.
So, the number 52563768 is divisible by 24.
Option (3) 44 : Number to be divisible by 4 and 11
It is not divisible by 11.
Option (4) 36 : Prime factorization of 36 = 9 and 4.
Divisibility rule for 9 = sum of numbers is 9
Divisibility rule for 4 : last two digits divisible by 4
The given number doesn't obeys the divisibility rule of 9.
So, it is found that the given number 52563768 is divisible by the number 24.