Math, asked by 13453, 6 months ago

The number added to 0.4 to get 1 is _______
The place of 7 in 0.357 is -__________
Perimetre of a square with one side 8 m is
Number name of 0.031 is ________________________________________
Convert 98/1000 to decimal -____________________
Add : 6 /11 + _______ = 11/11 = ______
Subtract : 12 /12 - _______ = 8/12 = ______
3/7 of 49 is ________
Write fraction for 0.7 - __________
6/10 + 2/5 =
16/20 - 3/4 =
3/7 ÷ 18/21 =
To find the distance walked around a field we need to find the __________ of the field
2.32 + 6.5 =
7.018 - 7 =
0.25 × 5 =
8.06 ÷ 5 =
0.4 × 100 =
2.6 ÷ 1000 =
lowest form of 16/28 = __________
An angle with measure more than a right angle is ____________ angle *
The length of a rectangle is 12 cm and the breadth is 6 cm. The perimeter and area of it are _____ and _______ *
answer of of these truthfully and earn yourself 35 points


Answered by startups


1. o.6

2.3 after decimal

3. 32

4. zero point zero three one

5. 0.0098


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