Math, asked by kapoorprem1843, 6 months ago

The number is an odd number less than 100.
Reversing the digits produces a number larger than the original.
If you add the digits, you get a prime number greater than 10.
The number is a square number


Answered by Anonymous

since the number is an odd number less than 100 and is a square number

therefore two digit odd square numbers less than hundred are 25, 49, 81

we know that Reversing the digits produces a number larger than the original


25 reversed to 52

49 reversed to 94

81 reversed to 18

we eleminate 81 as it does not fit the given condition

we also know that If we add the digits, you get a prime number greater than 10.

25 , 2+5 = 7

which is a prime no. less than 10

49 , 4+9 = 13

which is a prime no. greater than 10

thus the required number is 49

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