The number of tigers, the biggest cats in the world is gradually decreasing. Given below is a data which reveals the number of Royal Bengal Tiger in different countries. Write an analytical paragraph
by interpreting the data.

The Bengal tiger is a tiger from a specific population of the Panthera tigris tigris subspecies that is native to the Indian subcontinent.[3] It is threatened by poaching, loss, and fragmentation of habitat, and was estimated at comprising fewer than 2,500 wild individuals by 2011. None of the Tiger Conservation Landscapes within its range is considered large enough to support an effective population of more than 250 adult individuals.[1] India's tiger population was estimated at 1,706–1,909 individuals in 2010.[4] By 2018, the population had increased to an estimated 2,603–3,346 individuals.[5] Around 300–500 tigers are estimated in Bangladesh, 220–274 tigers in Nepal and 103 tigers in Bhutan.
According to this data
tigers is the biggest animal of the cat family in entire world but the number of this animal is being decreased .According to the data in Bangladesh the number of tiger were 400 but to day this number has decreased because of hunting .This number has been 300 now which is 160 less than earlier