the numerator of a fraction is 3 less than denominator. if 1 is added to both it's and denominator, it becomes 1/2. find the fraction.
The numerator of a fraction is 3 less than its denominator.
n = d – 3
if we add 1 to both numerator and denominator it becomes equal to 2/3.
(n+1/d+1) = 2/3
Cross multiply
3(n+1) = 2(d+1)
3n + 3 = 2d + 2
3n = 2d + 2 – 3
3n = 2d – 1
replace n with (d-3), from the 1st equation
3(d-3) = 2d – 1
3d – 9 = 2d – 1
3d – 2d = -1 + 9
d = 8
n = 8 – 3
n = 5
5/8 is the fraction
Step-by-step explanation:
Hope it helps you ♥
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May god bless you Gayu ege , You will get good marks , I trust in you 。◕‿◕。。◕‿◕。
Step-by-step explanation:
The numerator of a fraction is 3 less than its denominator.
n = d – 3
if we add 1 to both numerator and denominator it becomes equal to 2/3.
(n+1/d+1) = 2/3
Cross multiply
3(n+1) = 2(d+1)
3n + 3 = 2d + 2
3n = 2d + 2 – 3
3n = 2d – 1
replace n with (d-3), from the 1st equation
3(d-3) = 2d – 1
3d – 9 = 2d – 1
3d – 2d = -1 + 9
d = 8
n = 8 – 3
n = 5
5/8 is the fraction