The numerator of a fraction is 4 less than its denominator. If 3 added to both the numerator and the denominator the resulting number is 3/4. What is the original fraction
Let X denominator
1. So fraction is (X-4) /X
2. 3 is added to both numerator and denominator, 3/4 is the resulting number
(X-4+3) / (X+3) = 3/4
(X-1) / (X+3) = 3/4
3. Operation,
4(X-1) = 3(X+3)
4X-4 = 3X + 9
X = 9+4 = 13
4. So 13-4 / 13 = 9/13
5. 9/13 is the original fraction.
Step-by-step explanation:
The Numerator would then be 9/13.
Step-by-step explanation:
Assume that "x" was the initial fraction's remainder. The numerator of the fraction would be "x-4" according to the issue as presented.
The issue now says that if 3 is added to the initial fraction's numerator and denominator, the resulting fraction will be 3/4. The new percentage would be as follows:
(x-4+3) / (x+3) = 3/4
When we simplify the previous solution, we get:
(x-1) / (x+3) = 3/4
By increasing the solution by two, we obtain:
4(x-1) = 3(x+3)
To solve for "x," we obtain:
4x - 4 = 3x + 9
x = 13
Consequently, 13 is the initial fraction's remainder. Furthermore, the numerator would be 4 less than the divisor, which would be 13-4=9, according to the issue.
The Numerator would then be 9/13.
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