The numerator of a fraction is less than its denominator by 1. If the numerator becomes three times and the denominator is increased by 19, the new fraction becomes 1/7. Find the fraction. 7
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Answer :-
- The fraction is 1/2.
To find :-
- The fraction.
Step-by-step explanation :-
Let the denominator of the fraction be "x".
Then :-
- It's numerator will be "x - 1", as the numerator of the fraction is less than it's denominator by 1.
Now, three times the numerator will be :-
- "3 (x - 1)".
And increasing the denominator by 19,
- We get "x + 19".
Given that :-
- If the numerator of the fraction becomes three times and the denominator is increased by 19, the new fraction becomes 1/7.
Hence, the numerator and denominator of the fraction are :-
And :-
- The fraction is 1/2.
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