The numerator of a fraction is one less than its denominator. If three is added to each of the numerator and denominator, then the fraction is increased by . Find the fraction.
The difference of squares of two natural numbers is 45. The square of the smaller number is four times the larger number. Find the numbers.
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Step-by-step explanation:
if x/y represents the fraction then
x + 1 = y.
om the other hand
(x + 3) /(x + 1 + 3) = x/(x + 1) + 2/ 28
(x + 3)/(x + 4) = x/(x + 1) + 1/14
1 - 1/(x + 4) = 1 - 1/(x + 1) + 1/14
1/(x + 1) - 1/(x + 4) = 1/14
3/(x + 1)(x + 4) = 1/14
(x + 1)(x + 4) = 42
x^2 + 5*x - 38 = 0
x = (-5 + sqrt(177))/2
x/y = x/(x + 1) = (81 - sqrt(177))/84.
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