*The numerator of a fraction is smaller than the denominator by 7. If 1 is added to the numerator and 1 is subtracted from the denominator then the new fraction is 6/5. Find denominator of the fraction.*
1️⃣ 11
2️⃣ 16
3️⃣ 9
4️⃣ can't say for sure
❍ Let the denominator of the fraction be x and according to the given question, the numerator is smaller than the denominator by 7, therefore, the numerator be (x - 7).
- If one is added to the numerator and one is subtracted from the denominator, then the new fraction is 6/5. Therefore,
The fraction is,
- Denominator = (x - 1)
- Numerator = (x - 7 + 1)
- Option 4)
- can't say for sure is correct ✓
Given : The numerator of a fraction is smaller than the denominator by 7 & 1 is added to the numerator and 1 is subtracted from the denominator then the new fraction is 6/5.
To Find : Find the denominator of the fraction ?
Solution : Denominator of the fraction be x & Numerator of the fraction be x - 7.
◗When 1 is added to the numerator and 1 is substracted from the denominator.
◗Finding the denominator of the fraction.
- Cross Multiplication :