The numerator of fraction is 3 less than its denominator if 2 is added to both numerator and denominator then sum of refraction and original fraction is 29upon 30 find the original fraction
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The numerator of fraction is 3 less than its denominator if 2 is added to both numerator and denominator then sum of refraction and original fraction is 29/20 find the original fraction.
- Numerator of fraction is 3 less than it's denominator
- If 2 is added to both numerator and denominator then sum of fraction and original fraction is 29/20
- original fraction
- Fraction = x-3/x
If 2 is added to both numerator and denominator then sum of fraction and original fraction is 29/20.
Adding 2 to both numerator and denominator then fraction = x-3+2/x +2 = x-1/x + 2
So, we will take x = 10 because x is denominator and denominator is always greater then 0.
- So x = 10
- ✝️ Numerator x - 3 = 10 - 3 = 7
- Denominator x = 10
- »★ Original Fraction = 7/10
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Correct Question:
The numerator of fraction is 3 less than its denominator. If 2 is added to both numerator and denominator then sum of refraction and original fraction is 29 upon 20. Find the original fraction.
- The numerator of fraction is 3 less than its denominator.
- If 2 is added to both numerator and denominator then sum of refraction and original fraction is 29 upon 20.
To find:
- The fraction.
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