The objective is to form the maximum possible time in the HH:MM:SS format using any six of nine given single digits (not necessarily distinct)
Given a set of nine single (not necessarily distinct) digits, say 0, 0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, it is possible to form many distinct times in a 12 hour time format HH:MM:SS, such as 10:36:40 or 01:39:46 by using each of the digits only once. The objective is to find the maximum possible valid time (00:00:01 to 12:00:00) that can be formed using some six of the nine digits exactly once. In this case, it is 10:49:38.
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As the main objective is to form the Maximum possible time. But the mandatory condition is we have to choose distinct digits from the given set. After figuring it out we reached the conclusion that the hours hand will have 10 the minutes hand will have 48 we cannot select any other values instead of 49 like we cannot go for 50 as the digit 5 is not present and the second place will have 38 seconds. Solving the question isn't a big deal but understanding the logic behind matters.
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