the oneset of summer brings with it numerous problem for the residents of Delhi with long power cuts and scarcity of water for days . As Rohini/ Rohan a resident of kalindi vihar New Delhi write a letter to the editor of the times of India highlight the suffering of delhites . also talk about the causes responsible and measure that should be taken to deal with the problem
1324, kalindi Vihar
November 1, 2020
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi
Subject : Problem of power cut and scarcity of
Respected sir,
Form the core of the heart and due respect i want to inform you that there is a great problem of power supply and water supply. During summer days, both the electricity and the water are required at the first priority.
From many days past, problem of electricity is faced by Delhians. Light is coming for one or two hours after there or four days. Attaching with this is the problem of water. If electricity does not come houses do not have water. A tank comes but it do not work alot as it many peoples make rows for water. The requirement of people is lot and so this scheme of government do not work proper
This problem must be resolved by enquiring the working of power supply department and water supply department. There should be a regular check on the people working and also cross examination must be done so that these type of problems do not be created further.
Yours truly,
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