The opacity slider is placed in the _
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★The Layers tool features a master Opacity slider which enables you to lower or fade the amount of one or more local adjustments already applied to the mask, without altering the adjustment tools individually. The master Opacity slider is located beneath the title bar in the Layers tool. Selecting a layer enables the Opacity slider to be used with that Layer only. One Layer can be adjusted at a time. All the masks applied to the Layer will be adjusted by the same value. When working on an image with a number of Layers comprising complex masks and adjustments, you can modify the effect of each Layer very quickly. Next to the slider, there is a box where you can enter a value (%) directly or by using the arrow keys (use Shift+arrow keys to modify the amount by larger values). To save a result and compare the effects between adjustments, remember to use the Clone Variant option. ★