the orissa government is about to launch an eye testing drive for school children in Bhubneswar. Nilanjan dalmia interviewed aditi mitra ,the chief coordinator of the programme and took down some notes. On the basis of the notes ,write Nilanjana's report in100-125 words
succeed in school.
OK, this one is for you parents. Did you know that 80 percent of what children are expected to learn in and outside the classroom requires good vision? It's true — and that statistic, which has been around for a long time, probably should be revised upward because of the ever-increasing amount of screen time kids are exposed to these days.
An annual eye exam is the only way to ensure your child is seeing clearly and comfortably to succeed in the classroom. It’s also the only way to know for sure if kids are seeing their best for sports and other activities, too.
2. Myopia is becoming an epidemic.
woman receiving eye exam..
Nilanjan dalmia, 27th Jan 2018: The Orissa government is about to launch an eye testing drive for school children in Bhubneswar. The drive will be held on 30th January, Sunday at the St. Xaviers School campus of Bhubaneswar. All the students of local schools can participate on that event. Their eyes would be tested by renowned doctors at free of cost. According to the chief coordinator of the programme Aditi Mitra, the students have to carry their id-cards to enter to event. She requested to the authorities of all local schools for submitting the application forms regarding the event.