English, asked by chetali74, 3 months ago

The outer solar system is the name of the planets beyond the asterold belt. These planets are
called yns ginnts because they are made up of gas and ice.
The first stop of our tour is the fifth planet, Jupiter Jupiter is bigger than three hundred Earths
It is made up of hydrogen and helium and a few other gases. There are vistent wind storms that
circle around Jupiter. The most famous storm is called the Great Red Spot I has been chuming
for more than four hundred years already. At last count, Jupiter has sixty-three known moons
and faint ring around it too.
Next in our space neighbourhood comes Saturn It is well known for the series of beautiful
rings that circle it. They are made of tiny bits of frozen dirt and ice. Like Jupiter, Saturn is made
up of mostly hydrogen and helium. It is smaller though, at only ninety five time the size of
Earth. Saturn has sixty-two moons.
The seventh planet, Uranus and its twenty seven moons orbit very far from the sun in addition
to helium and hydrogen. Uranus atmosphere also contains ammonia ice and methane ice. It is
very cold planet, with no internal heat source. One of the strangest things about Uranus is that it
is tipped over and orbits the sun on its side at a ninety-degree angle. The twenty-seven moons it
has orbit from top to bottom, instead of left to right like our moon.
The eighth planet is Neptune. Like Uranus, it is made up of hydrogen, helium, ammonia ice and
methane ice. But unlike Uranus, Neptune does have an inner heat source, just like Earth. It
radiates twice as much heat as it receives from the sun. Neptune's most distinctive quality is its
blue colour. Most of the information we know about it come from the voyager 2 spacecraft
passing close by is in 1989.
Pluto is the last and was considered a planet after discovery in 1930. In 2006, Pluto was
demoted and reclassified as a dwarf planct. Pluto exists in Kuiper belt. That's just a fancy name
for the band of rocks, dust and ice that lies beyond the gas giants. Scientist have found objects
bigger than Pluto in this belt. Thus, the outer system has many secrets to explore.
On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions briefly. (1x6=6)
a) What is the great Red Spot?
b) How small is Saturn as compared to Jupiter?
c) Why the moons of Uranus are peculiar?
d) What is Neptune's unique quality which distinguishes it from other 'Gas Giants"?
e) What may have been the reason that in 2006 Pluto was demoted and reclassified as a
dwarf planet?
D Why the planets beyond the asteroid belt are called 'Gas Giants'?

2. On the basis of your reading of the passage, complete these following statements.
a) The two gases which make up most of Jupiter and Satum are..
b) The Kuiper belt is an area of rocks, dust, and ice that...
c) A synonym of 'faint' used in Para-2
d) A synonym of 'Circle' used in Para-3
c) A synonym of tipped' used in Para-4.
f) Pluto exits in
which is a fancy name.​


Answered by arkhansaifai


1. a. The most famous vistent wind storm that circles around Jupiter is called the Great Red spot.

b. In the passage the Jupiter is said to be hundred times Earth, but saturn is said to be 95 times the Earth.

c. They are peculliar because uranus is tilted 97 % towards the sun .

d. Neptune radiates twice as much heatas it recoves from the sun.

e. It may be because of its small size.

f. Because they are made up of different gases mixtures.

2.a. hydrogen and helium.

b. lies beyond the gas giants.

c. indistinct

d. rounded

e. tilted

f. Kuiper belt

Hope you got it

Answered by ppawn0328

what is the great read sport

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