The oxford dictionary defines hangry as bad tempered or irritable sa a result of hunger to what extent can the seagull motivation to fly be attributed to being hungry support your stance with evidence from the text
We are required to explain the sentence that is provided in the question. The required explanation of the sentence will be done as under:
- This passage has been taken from " The First Flight."
- The young seagull was very hungry and had not eaten for days.
- His family and brothers had flown after learning to fly and he was abandoned on a cliff.
- when the seagull saw his mother standing with a fish in her beak, the hunger was so strong that the seagull took flight without realizing it.
- This is what usually happens when hunger is felt by anybody.
the seagull's family left him alone on the ledge and he had been starving since the previous nightfall. when he saw his mother tearing a piece of lying at her feet the sight of food maddened him. no longer being able to tolerate the hunger he started calling out to her plaintively, begging for food. his cry turned into a joyful scream when his mother picked a piece of fish and flew across to him. he leaned out eagerly as she came nearer but when she halted at a distance from the seagull he dived for the fish out of excitement. here his hunger overpowered his fear of flying and motivated him to take his first flight.