‘The Parliament is the highest law making body.’ In support of above
statement explain Legislative and Financial powers of the Parliament.
Parliament is the highest law-making body in the country and the key responsibilities entrusted to its two houses are: Keeping a check on the functioning of the government; passing the country's budget; highlighting important issues being faced by the people. Parliament as an institution works in a structured manner.
All the legislative powers of the federal government are vested in the Parliament. The laws framed by the Indian Parliament are enforced in the parliament of India is a bi-cameral legislature. It consists of two houses Rajyasabha lok Sabha and president of India.
LEGISLATIVE POWER : Introduction and passage of ordinary bills and constitutional amendment bills, approval of ordinances.
Financial power : Introduction and financial bills involving expenditure from the consolidated fund of India . It can delay the passage of money bill by a maximum of 14 days but can not affect it's passage in any other way.