English, asked by barbie004, 11 months ago

The Patriot poem by Robert Browning . Summary of the poem . I'll Mark Surely a Brainlist !!


Answered by TheWorstBoy

The Patriot by Robert Browning is a tragic poem of a man who allegedly dedicated his entire life to supporting his Country, but his efforts were forgotten. The poem is heavy with irony as it describes a man who had given everything up for his people and was initially revered by them, only to be killed at their hands without a second thought in the end. The Patriot consists of six stanzas which are interestingly divided by numbered headings, almost as if Browning was telling us that each stanza is a chapter in the Patriots life. The first three stanzas or chapters reflect the feelings and accomplishments the Patriot underwent and the last three chapters describe his unfortunate sentencing and his death. 


It was roses, roses, all the way, 
With myrtle mixed in my path like mad: 
The house-roofs seemed to heave and sway, 
The church-spires flamed, such flags they had, 
A year ago on this very day. 

The air broke into a mist with bells, 
The old walls rocked with the crowd and cries. 
Had I said, Good folk, mere noise repels--- 
But give me your sun from yonder skies!'' 
They had answered, And afterward, what else?'' 

Alack, it was I who leaped at the sun 
To give it my loving friends to keep! 
Nought man could do, have I left undone: 
And you see my harvest, what I reap 
This very day, now a year is run. 

There's nobody on the house-tops now--- 
Just a palsied few at the windows set; 
For the best of the sight is, all allow, 
At the Shambles' Gate---or, better yet, 
By the very scaffold's foot, I trow. 

I go in the rain, and, more than needs, 
A rope cuts both my wrists behind; 
And I think, by the feel, my forehead bleeds, 
For they fling, whoever has a mind, 
Stones at me for my year's misdeeds. 

Thus I entered, and thus I go! 
In triumphs, people have dropped down dead. 
Paid by the world, what dost thou owe 
Me?''---God might question; now instead, 
'Tis God shall repay: I am safer so.

《Hope Helped》

TheWorstBoy: nice name
TheWorstBoy: yep, happy Durga puja and Happy Navarathri tpo
TheWorstBoy: welcome
TheWorstBoy: (:
TheWorstBoy: nice to meet u too
TheWorstBoy: (:
Answered by rekhaverma02021975


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The Patriot poem by Robert Browning . Summary of the poem . I'll Mark Surely a Brainlist !!

Report by Barbie004 18.10.2018


The Brain

Rekhaverma02021975 · Ambitious

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TheWorstBoy Ambitious


The Patriot by Robert Browning is a tragic poem of a man who allegedly dedicated his entire life to supporting his Country, but his efforts were forgotten. The poem is heavy with irony as it describes a man who had given everything up for his people and was initially revered by them, only to be killed at their hands without a second thought in the end.xplanation:

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