English, asked by Olive11, 1 year ago

The people whom the Tsar most needed were his councillors.(split into two simple sentences)

Olive11: pls help


Answered by nayans
What cities are considered to the "Big Four" 20th century fashion capitals?

New York, Los Angeles, London, ParisLondon, New York, Milan, ParisLondon, New York, Chicago, BerlinTokyo, London, Los Angeles, New York

Olive11: please help me
Olive11: pls
vedavivek: in what can i help you
Olive11: my question answer please
vedavivek: i answered first only
Olive11: where
vedavivek: see i kept and i answered
Olive11: ok
Answered by vedavivek
the two most needed people for him .were his councillors

Olive11: not understand
vedavivek: may be i could not answer it properly
Olive11: ok
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