The percentage poor according to NSSO in 2004-05 was ............., Fill in the blank.
27.7 percent
As per the assessment predicated on consumer expenditure data gathered by the NSSO (2004-05), the population percentage below the poverty line was 37.2%.
The Planning Commission surveys the poverty levels in the years for which the "National Sample Survey Office" (NSSO) of the "Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation" conducted a Large Sample Household Consumer Expenses Survey.
Normally, these surveys are carried out on a five-year basis. Estimations of poverty among social groups by NSSO (2004-2005) are - Scheduled Tribes 62.3% (rural) 35.5% (urban), Scheduled Castes 53.5% (rural) 40.6% (urban), Other Backward Classes 39.8% (rural) 30.6% (urban), Others 27.1% (rural) 16.1% (urban), All Population 41.8% (rural) 25.7% (urban).