Science, asked by uttamhale22, 2 months ago

The place where two or more bones are connected is called
b And --------are two layers of the human skin.
c. The process of intake of food and utilizing it for all life process is called
d. Carbohydrates and -----provide ---to our body.
In a balance diet all the nutrient are present in the--------- proportion
f Rubber made by vulcanization is a-------material,
g. Rayon is also knows as
h. The layer of ozone gas absorbs --rays that come from the sun to the earth​


Answered by shruthipshruthip04


bvfhjj kko



Answered by deshmukhsonali1976


a- The point at which two or more bones meet is called a joint, or articulation.

b- epidermis and dermis

c- The process of intake of food and utilising it for all life processes is called nutrition.

d- Carbohydrates and protien provide energy/ nutrition to our body.

e-In a balance diet all the nutrient are present in the right proportion

f- Rubber made by vulcanisation is a milky latex material.

g-Rayon is also known as synthetic silk.

h-h. The layer of ozone gas absorbs ultra violet (UV) rays that come from the sun to the earth​ .

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