the plastic wrappers that we throw away are often dumped into the nearby rivers or water bodies . how can this problem be solved? write the 3 steps government is taking to stop the menace.
Rather than make a punishable illegal act, why not do the opposite. Give a bounty in hard cash to anyone who brings in some measurable amount of trash. Make it worthwhile, from a dollars and cents point of view for people to save their own trash and maybe collect trash from other people. It is the American way. Acts that don’t physically hurt someone should not be punishable. Acts such as cleaning up garbage should be rewarded. Get the reward in the right ballpark and everything would be spick and span almost immediately.
Frankly I don’t see how you can stop this unless the plastic wrapper is replaced by something more environmentally friendly. People that litter will always litter, they have no pride in themselves, so they have no care for anything else.
The government has done a great job by banning the plastic wrappers.
Daily cleaning of rivers and street which government has ordered has done quite improvement.