‘The plate movements create different landforms’. Examine the formation of each
one of them.
Tectonic landform, any of the relief features that are produced chiefly by uplift or subsidence of the Earth’s crust or by upward magmatic movements. They include mountains, plateaus, and rift valleys.Whereas erosion shapes landforms, their origins lie in tectonic processes that build the major structures of the Earth. The word tectonic is derived from the Greek word tekton, which means “builder.” Tectonic processes build landforms mainly by causing the uplift or subsidence of rock material—blocks, layers, or slices of the Earth’s crust, molten lavas, and even large masses that include the entire crust and uppermost part of the planet’
Similarly, tectonic valleys, basins, and depressions of smaller size can form by the reverse of two of the processes mentioned above. Crustal extension (in its horizontal
Tectonic landform, any of the relief features that are produced chiefly by uplift or subsidence of the Earth’s crust or by upward magmatic movements. They include mountains, plateaus, and rift valleys.Whereas erosion shapes landforms, their origins lie in tectonic processes that build the major structures of the Earth. The word tectonic is derived from the Greek word tekton, which means “builder.” Tectonic processes build landforms mainly by causing the uplift or subsidence of rock material—blocks, layers, or slices of the Earth’s crust, molten lavas, and even large masses that include the entire crust and uppermost part of the planet’