the poet has an underlying message about the importance
of trees.true or false
Answer:- true, because trees are very important for all living organisms so poet has an underlying message about the importance of trees.
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Trees are very essential for T lifes. They give us so many useful things like fruits, flowers, oxygen etc.. They even help in raining . so, the trees are very important in our lifes and for our lifes. but these days , for our needs we are cutting the trees in a unlimited way and doing deforestation. due to this we are getting very less rains. The government obsevered it and it took some preventive measures and started few programmes like Haritha Haram, few awareness programmes etc.. but it is not only the responsible of the government , it is the responsible of every child and every one. because Today's children are Tomorrow's citizens. the children are the one who need to take care tomorrow's world. so , to say the importance of trees and to say how our life's depends on them .the poets has started underlining message about the importance of trees .
and it's true