The population of India is increasing alarmingly.Due to this, India is facing many problems. Write an article, in about 100-150 words, highlighting the problems of the population explosion and your suggestions to sort out the issue.
Population explosion gives rise to a number of social problems. It leads to migration of people from rural areas to the urban areas causing the growth of slum areas. People live in most unhygienic and insanitary conditions. Unemployment and poverty lead to frustration and anger among the educated youth.Shortage of food grains hampers economic development in two ways:
(a) People do not get sufficient quantity of food due low availability of food which affects their health and productivity. Low productivity causes low per capita income and thus poverty.
(b) Shortage of food-grains obliges the under-developed countries to import food grains from abroad. So a large part of foreign exchange is spent on it. So development work suffers. So rise in population causes food problem.Large size of population results in large army of labour force. But due to shortage of capital resources it becomes difficult to provide gainful employment to the entire working population. Disguised unemployment in rural areas and open unemployment in urban areas are the normal features of an under developed country like India.
Rapid growth of population accounts for low standard of living in India. Even the bare necessities of life are not available adequately. According to Dr. Chander Shekhar population in India increases by about 1.60 crore. It requires 121 lakh tonnes of food grains, 1.9 lakh metres of cloth and 2.6 lakh houses and 52 lakh additional jobs.