English, asked by ranjnassingh, 9 months ago

The Portrait of a Laty
[B] Short Answer Type Questions
Answer the following questions in not more than 30 words each:
1. How did the narrator's grandfather appear in the portrait ?
(चित्र में कथाकार के दादा कैसे लगते थे?)
2. Describe 'the happiest half-hour of the day for thegrandmother.
(दादी के 'दिन के आधे घण्टे के सुखान्त समय' का वर्णन करो।)
3. How did the narrator and the grandmother become good friends?
(कथाकार के दादी अच्छे मित्र कैसे बने?)
4. Why could the grandmother not walk straight ?
(दादी सीधे बात क्यों नहीं कर सकती थीं?)
5. How did the grandmother spend her time when the narrator went to the university
(जब कथाकार विश्वविद्यालय गया, दादी का समय कैसे व्यतीत होता था?)
Cilana Answar Tyne Omastione​


Answered by patelamitkumar53


I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl and I have to write in username is it a lot of fun and I don't have any questions or need to go to now girl is a danger on the phone number is still in a few weeks ago but I can't wait till I see you in the places where you at home and you can get a new one is it OK if we can get a new one is it OK if we can get a new one is it a lot my family is going well for the following at the moment I love you more than I thought it was so good at

Answered by missbindassgirl


are you in class 11th?????

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