Math, asked by papaking906, 9 days ago

The position vector of the point
(1,2,0) is- ​


Answered by anzermzp


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Answered by payalchatterje


Required position vector is 1î+ 2ĵ.

Step-by-step explanation:

A position vector is defined as a fixed vector that locates a point in space relative to another point.

Consider two points A and B in 3-D space, Let their coordinate be (X₍A₎,Y₍A₎,Z₍A₎) and (X₍B₎,Y₍B₎,Z₍B₎) respectively.

The position vector directed from A to B ,r is defined as

r = (X₍B₎ − X₍A₎)i + (Y₍B₎ − Y₍A₎)j + (Z₍B₎ − Z₍A₎)k

And position vector of any single point like (x,y,z) is

xî+ yĵ+ zk̂

Here given point is (1,2,0)

So position vector of the given point is

1î+ 2ĵ+ 0k̂ = 1î+ 2ĵ

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