Chemistry, asked by aseemAnne393, 1 year ago

The positive value of the standard electrode potential of Cu2+/Cu indicates
that ____________.
(i) this redox couple is a stronger reducing agent than the H+
/H2 couple.
(ii) this redox couple is a stronger oxidising agent than H+
(iii) Cu can displace H2 from acid.
(iv) Cu cannot displace H2 from acid.

Conductivity of an electrolytic solution depends on ____________.
(i) nature of electrolyte.
(ii) concentration of electrolyte.
(iii) power of AC source.
(iv) distance between the electrodes.

Chemistry - Exemplar Problems

Chapter 3. Electrochemistry


Answered by Anonymous

The positive value of the standard electrode potential of Cu2+/Cu indicates
that ____________.
(i) this redox couple is a stronger reducing agent than the H+
/H2 couple.
(ii) this redox couple is a stronger oxidising agent than H+
(iii) Cu can displace H2 from acid.

(iv) Cu cannot displace H2 from acid.
answer is= (ii) this redox couple is a stronger oxidising agent than H+

Conductivity of an electrolytic solution depends on ____________.
(i) nature of electrolyte.
(ii) concentration of electrolyte.
(iii) power of AC source.
(iv) distance between the electrodes.

answer is= (i) nature of electrolyte.
Answered by Shazia055

The positive value of the standard electrode potential of \[C{u^{2 + }}/Cu\] indicates that (ii) this redox couple is a stronger oxidising agent than \[{H^ + }/{H_2}\]  and (iv) Cu cannot displace \[{H_2}\] from acid. Therefore, both the options (ii) and (iv) are correct.


  • The electrode potential can be described as the potential difference between two electrodes.
  • The value of electrode potential determines the oxidising and reducing nature of the redox couple.
  • If the value of electrode potential is positive, then it is a stronger oxidising agent.
  • On the other hand, if the value of electrode potential is negative, then it is a stronger reducing agent.
  • The metal having a higher oxidising nature cannot displace the element placed lower than it in the electrochemical series.
  • Therefore, the positive value of the standard electrode potential of \[C{u^{2 + }}/Cu\] indicates that this redox couple is a stronger oxidising agent than \[{H^ + }/{H_2}\]  and Cu cannot displace \[{H_2}\] from acid.

Conductivity of an electrolytic solution depends on (i) nature of electrolyte and (ii) concentration of electrolyte. Therefore, both the options (i) and (ii) are correct.


  • Conductivity is the reciprocal of resistivity.
  • It is defined as the conductance of a material of length \[1\,m\] and area of cross-section \[1\,{m^2}\].
  • For electrolytic solutions, the conductivity depends on the following factors:

        (i) the nature of the electrolyte

        (ii) the nature of the solvent and its viscosity

        (iii) size of the ions produced and their solvation

        (iv) temperature

        (v) concentration of the electrolyte

  • Therefore, among the given options, it depends on the nature of the electrolyte and concentration of electrolyte.


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