Science, asked by Chiisa, 6 months ago

The possibility/ impossibility of life without science ​


Answered by iameternaldemise

Science has always been with humans since the dawn of time. The early forebears engaged in various forms of experimentations though not in a highly professional and advanced manner as we do today. Thus, their discoveries and processes in undertaking their agricultural activities, biodiversity conservation strategies and the like are termed as 'ethnoscience', 'folk science' and the like by scholars.

This indicates that science, with its basic meaning as shedding ' light' on 'Dark' issues, providing simple and more efficient means of undertaking activities and finding pragmatic ways of curbing the challenges faced by man, is a MAJOR REQUIREMENT and the PIVOT FOR LIFE SUSTENANCE. Without science would mean the handcuffing of the human generation to watch helplessly unconcerned to be swallowed by their problems. This situation would have eventually erased life on our wonderful planet earth.

The truth is that the difference between the science then (Early generation of man) and the science now (today) has to do with the intent of the scientific inventions and discoveries. The early forebears had sound moral values that guided their discoveries- to protect man and improve their lives. However, most inventions by scientists are meant to cause chaos to the natural order, take precedence over others, greedily earning a name and wealth in the society at the expense of the common good of all creatures both living and non-living things and their LEGAL RIGHT OF EXISTENCE.

For science to continue to be an effective tool for global progression and development, the holders (Researchers) and influencers (Politicians and 'big' nations) of scientific knowledge must act in accordance with the moral values and statutes accepted in our human society- promoting the ideals of peace, security, unity, collective well being and more importantly, POSITIVE GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT.

Science is an anchor that holds the world back from falling into the deep caverns of global challenges. If it is harnessed positively with GOOD intentions rather than causing mayhem, wars, pestilence, destruction, and extinction of other living things and their habitats, science would be the 'savior' of the world.

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