The powers of the zamindars were limited by the permanent settlement mention the reason
Permanent settlement destroyed the power, autonomy and resources of the Zamindars since zamindars were unable to pay land revenues to the British due to factors such as economic depression, high rate of revenue, inability of peasants/tenant-farmers to pay dues to the zamindars, and the revenue being fixed and not depending on the harvest or cultivation.
The British had introduced the system of permanent settlement in Bengal. They believed that this fixed revenue would imbibe a feeling of security amongst the zamindars. However contrary to this perception, the zamindars often failed to pay land revenues, and this led to the accumulation of unpaid land revenues. The reason why zamindars failed to pay the revenues were because of
- the rate of revenue was so high that the zamindars were unable to pay the revenues
- the amount of revenue was fixed at the time of economic recession and the zamindars found it difficult to pay revenues since the peasants/tenant-farmers found it difficult to pay zamindars their dues
- the revenue was fixed and irrespective of good or bad harvest zamindars had to pay revenues on time.
Since the zamindars were unable to pay the revenues the permanent settlement had limited the powers of zamindars to collect rent from the peasants/tenant-farmers; the state subdued the zamindars’ authority and limited their autonomy; and if any zamindar did not make the due revenue payment before sunset on the particular day, his estate was auctioned as well.