English, asked by Helgarose, 7 months ago

The present world faces many threats. It is our duty to protect nature. Imagine that your
School Nature Club is organizing an awareness programme to protect nature. Prepare
a speech for the occasion.
Features of a Speech
Who is the speech addressed to?
What is the salutation?
How will you begin the speech?
You can begin your speech with a quotation. Which lines would you like to quote?
What are the ideas that you wish to convey?
Sequence your ideas according to their order of importance.
How will you conclude your speech? please answer fast​


Answered by udhayan4545


Hello One and All, I would like to thank you all for giving me your kind attention.

Recently we must have heard the news that the air pollution levels in Delhi have reached 999 points on the air quality index, which means that breathing the air in Delhi, is equivalent to a person smoking 40 cigarettes a day, which is extremely dangerous and concerning.

This goes on to show how adversely the environment has been destroyed by mankind, is this is continued, then the day is not far when we all will have to start carrying air masks to breath.

But this pollution is not only limited to air, the water sources in the world are also being polluted profusely.

Deforestation and lack of solid waste disposal systems have wrecked the environment extensively.  

So what can we do to stop this?

Can we do something before planet earth gives up on us?

No, we can do our part.

We can start spreading awareness and do our bit by trying to minimize pollution at our end.

How do we do that?

We try and avoid fossil fuel as much as possible, try and save natural resources and electricity and do our best in not causing wastage.

And the best thing we can do is that we know what to do than teach others as well.

So come and join our awareness program and save the planet.      


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