The President of America famously pardons a turkey every year. Can you locate in the find a word the turkey pardoned by Barack Obama?
Every year the President of America pardons a turkey. President Obama pardoned two turkeys every year, throughout his term. The names of the turkeys pardoned by President Obama on Thanksgiving Eve of 2016 are Tater and Tot.
The pardoned turkeys are sent to the Gobbler's Rest. It is an enclosure on the campus of Virginia Tech in Blackburg. They are looked after by the students and veterinarians in the Department of Animal and Poultry Sciences.
The ritual of pardoning the turkeys originated in 1947 when a bird was presented to President Harry S. Truman by the National Turkey Federation. The first official turkey pardon by the President took place in 1989.
Pardoning of Turkeys started by Mr. George W. Bush and pardoning of two turkeys started by Mr. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. The names of the turkeys that were pardoned by Barack Obama was “Tom one” and “Tom two”. Their nick name were “Honest” and “Abe”