Biology, asked by arka916, 11 months ago

The primary structure of a short polypeptide is given in single-letter amino-acid abbreviation (below). Draw the
structure of the peptide as it exists at pH 7.0

Peptide: P-H-I


Answered by itzcutiepie4


The primary structure may be thought of as a complete description of all of the covalent bonding in a polypeptide chain or protein. The most common way to denote a primary structure is to write the amino acid sequence using the standard three-letter abbreviations for the amino acids.....

Protein structure. The primary structure of a segment of a polypeptide chain or of a protein is the amino-acid sequence of the polypeptide chain(s), without regard to spatial arrangement (apart from configuration at the alpha-carbon atom).....

please mark as brainliest....

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