the principal along with the teachers were facilitated at the function for academic excellence
This Wallace Perspective was produced as part of a commitment by The Wallace Foundation to develop and share
information, ideas and insights about how school leadership can contribute to improved student learning. It was
first published in 2012. Based on feedback from teachers, the 2013 expanded edition includes new articles about
the benefits of good principals for teaching. The ideas presented in this paper represent the collective efforts of
program, research and evaluation, communications and editorial staff members at Wallace. We particularly ap-
preciate the contributions of James Harvey of James Harvey & Associates, Seattle, Wash., in the formulation and
drafting of this paper. Holly Holland, an education writer in Louisville, Ky., contributed the feature on Dewey
Hensley. H.J. Cummins, an editor and writer in Reston, Va., wrote the article on Sara Bonti.