The Problem of Child Labour
The main reason for child labour is poverty. Most of the country's population suffers from poverty. Due to poverty, parents cannot afford the studies of their children and make them earn their wages from a tender age. In fact, they are well aware of the grief of losing their loved ones to poverty many times.
They should thus be protected to prevent social, economic and physical harm, which persist to affect them during their lifetime. Such injuries include1 : General child injuries and abuses like cuts, burns and lacerations, fractures, tiredness and dizziness, excessive fears and nightmares.
The Problem of Child Labour
Child labour is a crime against humanity. Humanity itself is at stake here. A lot of work still remains, but I will see the end of child labour in my lifetime.
- kailash satyarthi
Child Labour means employ the children below the age of 14 - 18 years old, in the industries. Although, the child labour is considered as illegal. But still, a number of children are going for child labour.
Child labour is really shameful matter for humanity. It is a crime against humanity and truthfulness. Sometimes, we can say that child labour is defined as the work that leads to the deterioration of the country. Children are the future of any country.
The main reason behind child labour is poverty, therefore to stop child labour poverty must be controlled. The another reason behind child labour is unemployment of the people. The unemployment of people force them, to send their wards for labour. To stop child labour, the awareness must be spread everywhere.