Science, asked by shivduttsharma09643, 7 months ago

The property of metals by virtue of which they can be drawn into wires.
in the blanks to complete the following paragraph :
e name of the product formed in the reaction of sulphur and oxygen is sulphur dioxide gas. When
ohur dioxide is dissolved in water sulphurous acid is formed. The sulphurous acid turns
lue litmus paper to
litmus paper to Red
Generally oxides of Sulphuy are acidic in nature.
r completing the paragraph write two questions which you can raise on the basis of this information.
Jer the following questions :​


Answered by davidadekoya718


please mark me as the brainliest

q1 write the chemical formula for sulphorous acid and the other name for it

q2  what are the stages in contact process


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