Biology, asked by tb15722963, 8 months ago

The Punnett square below represents the result of the cross between two tall pea plants.
Part A: Identify the Genotypic and Phenotypic ratios of the offspring.

Part B: Identify two offspring from the Punnett square that could produce short pea plants if they were crossed. Explain your answer.



Answered by ombaghel334


this cross is monohybrid cross

part A...

genotypic ratio -- 1:2:1

phenotypic ratio--- 3:1

part B ...

to produce a dwarf pea plant by crossing offspring of f2gen.

1 . Tt × tt

2. Tt× Tt

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Answered by sushiladevi4418

The Punnett square below represents the result of the cross between two tall pea plants.

Part A:  Ratios given below

Part B: Identify two offspring from the Punnett square that could produce short pea plants if they were crossed


Let us  understand the meaning of cross

It just refers to “mating of parents in order to form offspring .In these crosses we will get the  offspring  possessing different characters” .  

 Generally we make two types of crosses:  

  • Monohybrid cross
  • dihybrid cross

Monohybrid cross

It  is that in which two characters are studied at a time .

  • Like we say, that we consider character height and obtain different results . As character is only one, that we are noticing therefore the cross is monohybrid .


Now lets understand the laws with monohybrid cross :

For example we consider feature : height

     tall                                                 dwarf  (parents )

       TT                                                   tt

      T,T                                                     t,t  (gametes )

                            Tt(all are tall )  

                       (   first generation  )      

Now, let us cross the first generation :

  Tt                                                           Tt   (parental generation )

    T,t                                                        T,t    (gametes )


To obtain F₂ generation , we make Punnett square :

          T      t  

T        TT     Tt

t         tT        tt

 F2 progeny:

  • TT:Pure tall
  • Tt: hybrid (tall )
  • tt : Pure dwarf    

Phenotype :  It is the physical expression of an organism

tall: dwarf  


Genotype : It is the genetic constitution of an organism

TT : Tt : tt  


Now, in above asked question we have :

Part A : Ratios that are already given above .

Part B : That combinations are :

Tt × tt

 Tt× Tt

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