The purusarthas are psycho moral basis ashram theory explain. Can anyone answer this question in 250 words please?
It stands to express human prosperity. ‘Kama’ refers to the instinctive and emotional life of man and provides for the satisfaction of his sex drives and aesthetic urges. ‘Dharma’ provides a connection between the two, the animal and the god in man. The fourfold aims, thus, seek to co-ordinate and balance the activities of man for the realization of his spirituality.
These ‘purusarthas’ are considered psycho-moral bases of ‘ashram’ system because along with the provision of psychological training through different stages of life in terms of lesson in the use and management of aims of life, the Individual also deals with the society by translating these lessons into action.
The purusarthas are pysocho moral 4 basis ashram theory are:
Dharma- living righteously, actions are for greater good, and duties are performed well.
Artha- material prosperity (wealth, academics) to use knowledge for welfare of mankind as well as support your family.
Kama- love ( marriages, relationships ) to create your next generation.
Moksha- THE ULTIMATE GOAL- to reunite with the paramaatma (brahman- the lord) forever. This is the hardest and can be achieved by following the gnana marga (path of divine knowledge and harsh penance, renunciation), karma yoga (through selfless service and action) or most importantly bhakthi yoga (constant worship and recallig of the lord through 9 ways of worship- nava vidha bhakthi with the most important being the aathma samarpanam or sharanagathi, i.e total surrender to the lord, which means you follow his teachings from the scriptures like the Bhagavad Geetha to practice constantly).