The pyramids are also enormous structures. They are really the tombs of old kings of Egypt
who were called the Pharaohs. Do you remember seeing the Egyptian mummies in the British
Museum in London ? A mummy is the dead body of a human being or animal to which oils and spices
have been applied to prevent it from decaying. The bodies of the Pharaohs were made into mummies
when they died and were then placed inside these great pyramids. Near them were placed gold and
silver ornaments and furniture and food, because it was thought that they might require them after
death. Two or three years ago some people found the body of a Pharaoh, whose name was
Tutankhamen, in one of these pyramids. There were many beautiful and valuable things near him.What are pyramids really?
2. What is a mummy?
3. What was placed with mummies in the pyramids? Why?
4. Find synonym of ‘large’?
5. Write antonym of ‘allow’?
6. Write one word for ‘to become bad or be slowly destroyed’
Answered by
1. Pyramids are enormous structures, that served as tombs of old kings of Egypt.
2. A mummy is the dead body of a human being or animal to which oils and spices have been applied to prevent it from decaying.
3. Gold, silver ornaments, furniture and food were placed with mummies in the pyramids because it was thought that they might require them after death.
4. Enormous.
5. Prevent.
6. Decay.
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