English, asked by JayantDeepMeena1111, 2 months ago

The question that needs t is to be asked is why do children, many of whom are destitute and abandoned run away from government-run homes that supposedly aim to protect them A recent visit to such a home revealed the reasons and filled one with anguish as much as despair. Sad little faces had one thing in common on their tiny lips. Help me get out." A newly admitted child bitterly wept. "Who will now care for my baby brother? We've no one except each other. "he wobbed. These children were barely six or seven and, one or two even younger, who sat on the floor of dark rooms staring vacantly at blackboards filled with words that were written in English. But the children spoke mostly Hindi or other regional languages. Many children are unhappy here because they have nothing worthwhile to do or learn For most of them in the 10-16 years age-group, it is a precious period when they pick up a trade, as poverty forces them to work The remand homes have been set up for destitute and abandoned children who are likely to be abused and exploited. The homes must provide services for the physical, mental. moral and spiritual welfare of the children and facilities for self-improvement. But such programmes do not exist. The children are neither given any education nor any work-training to help them face life once they are freed after attaining the age of sixteen Visits to the homes are controlled by the government. This restriction must end. Erring officials must be brought to book. The children must be given their basic rights, love and care and the system will only then truly be helpful from which few would try to escape L.

Answer the following questions

1. What are the government-run homes meant for?

2. Why do the children try to escape from remand homes?

3. What are the remand homes meant for?

4. What suggestions are made in the passage?

5. Find words or phrases from the passage which mean:

(1) came to know (2) hardly

Find words from the passage which are opposite

1. gently 2. relaxation​​


Answered by ayushkumar74831


Using the summary notes in the box below, write no more than 200 words about

centenarians, including all the information listed. Think about the best way to group

and then order the points before turning them into sentences. Use your own words as

far as possible.

win the USA there are roughly 50 000 (1 in 8000) centenarians

m 90% female

more than 90% reported good health until they reached their early 90s

m about 15% live by themselves, completely independently

m there is evidence that diet affects longevity

I fastest-growing segment of US population - increasing 8% each year (1% for other

age groups)

I siblings of centenarians four times as likely to survive to age 90

longevity believed to be connected to optimistic view of life, which reduces body stress

m female centenarians three times as likely to have had children when over age 40 as

were women who lived to age 73.

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