English, asked by srashida406, 1 month ago

the questions
New York 18 January, 2018
The pilot of a jetliner saved many live today hy showing great presne
of mind Minutes after the plane took of Rem La Guardia Airport
New York, it was hit by a fleek of wisde This damaged its
It was not possible to return to La Chuardiaso the pilet decided
to land the plane in the vast expanse of the Hudeon River rather
than to land it in a crowded part of New York city
This was a deliberate emergency landing Ferries had already been
informed and all pasengers and crew were saved They were lucky
to escape with only shock and minor injuries
6 of 92
Choose the suitable title for the above news report
Geographical Survey of Hudson River
Pollution in Hudson River
Emergency landing in the streets of New York
Emergency landing in Hudson River​


Answered by ghannathganapathy




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