the raindrops- who are they? How can you be sure?
rain drops are small amount of a pure water
I m sure coz I have seen it in the rainy season
A raindrop impacts a bare soil surface something like a metal ball striking the surface. The energy of the raindrop impact is transferred to the soil particles directly under the drop. If the kinetic energy of the drop is sufficient, soil particles are detached from the surface and fly out in all directions. This is raindrop splash. Raindrop splash is the first step in erosion of soil. The volume of soil material detached by raindrop splash is determined by drop diameter, median grain size of the soil, and surface slope (Poesen, 1985). For a constant kinetic energy, the volume of splashed soil is not influenced significantly by diameter of raindrops nor of fall height of the raindrops except for low energy rainfall. There