the ratio of incomes of two persons is 9:7 and the ratio of their expenditures is 4:3 if each of them manages to save 2000rs per month find their monthly income
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Suppose the income of 1st person is 9x
Since ratio of income of two persons is 9:7
=> Income of second person is 7x
Lets suppose that the expenditure of 1st person is 4y
Since ratio of expenditures of both persons is 4:3
=> Expenditure of 2nd person is 3y
We know that,
Saving = Income - Expenditure
So saving of 1st person = 9x - 4y
=> 9x - 4y = 2000 -----------(1)
Saving of 2nd person = 7x - 3y
=> 7x - 3y = 2000 -----------(2)
Lets multiply equation (1) by 3 and equation (2) by 4,
27x - 12y = 6000 ---------(3)
28x - 12y = 8000 ---------(4)
28x - 27x - 12y + 12y = 8000 - 6000
=> x = 2000
Since the income of 1st person is 9x
=> Income of 1st person = 9×2000 = Rs 18000
Since the income of 2nd person is 7x
=> Income of 2nd person = 7×2000 = Rs 14000
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