Physics, asked by Wazowski86711, 9 months ago

The "reaction" force does not cancel the "action" force because


Answered by Mathelete2004


Reaction and Action are two very different things though they sound and mean almost the same.

Action is basically a force that you are performing/applying on an object.

Reaction is what you feel from that object that felt the force applied by you on it.

Lets take an example -

Launching a this process, the rocket first does the action and then the reaction is done by the thrust released by the rocket.

In this case the rocket releases an amount of thrust which is action in this case and then that thrust in turn releases an upward force which in this case would be reaction.

Thats how action and reaction work is most of the cases.

'You do something, You get something '

But from your statement, if the action and reaction would be canceled theb you wont feel anything or the work which requires a great amount of reaction would not be done.

Such as the launching of rockets in space.

If i had punched someone then the guy who was punched would not feel anything since the reaction force and my action force were cancelled.

Hope you understand.

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