English, asked by sivakami2488, 4 months ago

The realtionship between man and trees


Answered by Atlas99


RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MAN AND TREES:Man is wholly depend on the plants. We depend on them in every way, in every seconds, in every moment.We cannot live without Trees.Trees are our close friend.They supply us with life-saving oxygen and absorb poisonous carbon di-oxide which is great damegeous to us. From them we get paper, rubber, resins, fibres, herbs, honey, medicine,gum, wax and what not. The fruits we enjoy, the clothes we wear- all come from TREES. But unfortunately man have been felling Trees recklessly. They are building factories and towns by destroying forests. Trees are the beauty spots of Nature. There is a changing in atmosphere for the felling of Trees. So the need of plantation is urgent. We must plant Trees for save mankind. So it is nothing but foolishness to kill the goose that lay golden eggs. “Trees are the earth’s endless effort to speak to the listening heaven”- Rabinranath Tagore.

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