Physics, asked by papu1620, 5 months ago

the repulsive force betwen two magnetic pole in air is 9×10^-3N.If the two poles are equal in strength and are seperated by a distance of 10cm.calculate pole strength of each pole?​


Answered by ankita2965


गया है ?(1/x^3-x^-1/3)(x^2/3+1+x^-2/3)Basically, good students are role models of good choices. Susan Theotokatos, social studies teacher: [A good student is] someone who is engaged in class, in the material and is enthusiastic about learning, NOT about getting a particular grade. A good student is someone who learns from mistakes and seeks improvement.Oct 25, 2017A good student is someone who tries to soak in the knowledge given in the book rather than just mugging it up.

A good student is someone who respects his teacher’s.Basically, good students are role models of good choices. Susan Theotokatos, social studies teacher: [A good student is] someone who is engaged in class, in the material and is enthusiastic about learning, NOT about getting a particular grade. A good student is someone who learns from mistakes and seeks improvement.Oct 25, 2017A good student is someone who tries to soak in the knowledge given in the book rather than just mugging it up.

AIt just takes a kind heart to be a good person”महाकवि कालिदास द्वारा निम्नलिखित में से किस नदी को चित्रण किया गया है ?(1/x^3-x^-1/3)(x^2/3+1+x^-2/3)Basically, good students are role models of good choices. Susan Theotokatos, social studies teacher: [A good student is] someone who is engaged in class, in the material and is enthusiastic about learning, NOT about getting a particular grade. A good student is someone who learns from mistakes and seeks improvement.Oct 25, 2017A good student is someone who tries to soak in the knowledge given in the book rather than just mugging it up.

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