English, asked by ahmedmuzaffarahmed8, 2 months ago

the requirement for thaimine , riboflavin,and niacin are based on tha requirement of protein in the body true /false​


Answered by samarthmishra2724


the answer is true


A study of 13-14-year-old children related dietary intake of thiamin to several indicators of thiamin status (15). Sauberlich et al. (23) concluded from a carefully controlled depletion-repletion study of seven healthy young men that 0.3 mg thiamin per 4184 kJ met their requirements. Intakes below this amount lead to irritability and other symptoms and signs of deficiency (24). Anderson et al. (25) reported thiamin intakes of 1.0 and 1.2 mg/day as minimal for women and men, respectively. Hoorn et al. (26) reported that 23 percent of 153 patients aged 65-93 years were deemed deficient based on a transketolase activation coefficient greater than 1.27, which was normalised after thiamin administration. Nichols and Basu (27) found that only 57 percent of 60 adults aged 65-74 years had TPP effects of less than 14 percent and suggested that ageing may increase thiamin requirements.

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