English, asked by dasdebasishdas22, 1 month ago

The rice was so hot that I could not eat.( Is this correct?)​


Answered by avdheshvarshney4

When a product enters the market, often unbeknownst to the consumer, it has a life cycle that carries it from being new and useful to eventually being retired out of circulation in the market. This process happens continually - taking products from their beginning introduction stages all the way through their decline and eventual retirement.

But, how does the product life cycle actually work, and how can analyzing it help companies?petiwala30 is waiting for your help.

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कस्तूरी कुण्डल बेस मृग ढूढ़त बन माहि |

ज्यों घट घट में राम हैं दुनिया देखत नाहि ।।

यह प्रसिद्ध दोहा कबीरदास जी का हैं |

अर्थ - जिस प्रकार एक कस्तूरी हिरण कस्तूरी की खुशबू को जंगल में ढूंढ़ता फिरता हैं जबकि वह सुगंध उसे उसकी ही अपनी नाभि में व्याप्त कस्तूरी से मिल रही होती है, परन्तु वह जा ऐसे घटि घटि राम है दुनिया देखे नाहिं दोहे का भावार्थ है *

अ - परमात्मा जंगल में है

ब - परमात्मा मन में ही है

स - परमात्मा तीर्थ स्थलों में है

द - परमात्मा कण कण में व्याप्तDistinguish between primary memory and secondary memory.The mass of 50cm³ milk is 51.5g . Find density of milk in g cm³humus add dash to a

resourceComputer generations are based on when major technological changes in computers occurred, like the use of vacuum tubes, transistors, and the microprocessor. As of 2020, there are five generations of the computer.

Review each of the generations below for more information and examples of computers and technology that fall into each generation.

First generation (1940 - 1956)

Second generation (1956 - 1963)

Third generation (1964 - 1971)

Fourth generation (1972 - 2010)

Fifth generation (2010 to present)

Sixth generation (future generations)Which of three artificial methods of propagation has maximum advantagesVegetative propagation is an asexual method of plant reproduction that occurs in its leaves, roots and stem. This can occur through fragmentation and regeneration of specific vegetative parts of plants.

Artificial method of vegetative propagation:

Artificial method of vegetative propagation is carried out by humans in the fields and laboratories. Artificially occurring forms of vegetative reproduction involve:


In this, a portion of a plant is cut and planted in the soil, usually a stem or a leaf. These cuttings are sometimes treated with hormones in order to induce root growth. The new plant originates from the adventitious roots that grow from the cutting process.


In this, the cutting from some other plant is added to the plant stem embedded in the soil. The graft tissues become incorporated with the rooted plant tissues and grow over time as a single plant.


In this, the stem of the plant is bent to the ground and covered with soil. Adventitious roots emerge from the plant parts covered with the soil. This attached stem with developing roots is known as a layer.

Tissue Culture

For this, to grow a new plant, the plant cells from various parts of a plant are cultivated in a laboratory. This technique is useful in growing the number of rare and endangered species of plants which can not grow under natural conditions.

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the rice was so hot that I couldn't eat it .


hope it will help you . stay safe .

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