the right now because my

a) 1) it has Tetra valency
2) it has catenation
3) tendency to form multiple bonds
b)because soap has hydrophobic and hydrophilic part but ethanol is soluble in water and not has these parts.
I think this is correct.
give suggestions
carbon have tendency to form four covalent bond
carbon have property of catnation form homologous series
Micelle form when soap is added with water because when soap(sodium stearate or sodium salt of fatty acid) dissolve in water two electrophilic and electrophobic group form .the electronic Phillip group take part in the formation of micelle while phobic group form precipitate and settle down with dust .but when ethanol is added no
ethanol is in alcohol group which is slightly acidic in nature and sodium stearate when it mix with water sodium form sodium hydroxide and stearate and ethanol doesn't form Michelle