Social Sciences, asked by sikus, 1 year ago

the right to social justice has addressed the principle of the inclusion. how ? explain


Answered by soyelranahalder60120


The National Employment Council for the Harare Municipal Undertaking advances social justice and democracy in the workplace by:

Giving effect to the fundamental rights of employees provided for in the ILO labour standards, as ratified and enshrined in both the National Constitution and labour law;

Providing a legal framework within which employees and employers can bargain collectively for the improvement of conditions of employment;

Promoting fair labour standards;

Promoting employees’ participation in decisions affecting their interests in the workplace;

Enforcing legal provisions, i.e. securing the fair, effective and expeditious resolution of disputes and unfair labour practices.


My role as Secretary General is to provide technical support and advice to employers, workers and their respective organizations on request. I participate in the preparation, coordination, and review of industrial labour policies. I am responsible for managing labour inspections and dispute resolution systems. I research and recommend policy changes and strategies in operational and organizational structures. I am also responsible for coordinating capacity-building activities for both the National Employment Council and industry.


What does social justice mean to you?

Social justice is promoting a just workplace by challenging injustice and valuing diversity. In the workplace we achieve this by giving effect to the fundamental principles and rights of employees, such as freedom of association and collective bargaining; entitlement to membership of trade unions and workers committees; prohibition of forced labour and child labour; protection of employees against discrimination; protection of their right to fair labour standards; and democracy in the workplace.


How do you formulate your campaigns and programmes? Who has a say in what they should be and how they should be run?

Procedurally, I report to the board after analysing data from inspectorates. My report is based on the analysis of trends, the nature of cases and disputes handled, the interventions made, and needs assessments. I make recommendations on campaigns and programmes and how they should be undertaken to achieve the set of objectives deriving from the needs assessment. The Board Research, Publicity, Training and Events Committee then adopts the campaigns and programme recommendations. After adoption, campaigns and programmes are formulated into the budget which the Finance Committee will provide for the allocation of resources. Strategically, the budget is drawn up together with the organization annual strategic plan. I then take all administrative and management decisions as to the design and facilitation of those programmes among other strategic plans. This includes the implementation and evaluation of such campaigns and programmes with a further report to the Board.

For instance, we have launched campaigns and programmes on occupational safety and health including training for representatives of workers, management and Councillors. Training was facilitated in conjunction with NSSA, the specialised authority on OSH matters.

Other campaigns dealt with “Training of disciplinary committees on code of conduct”, “Trained management and workers’ representatives on labour matters”, “Trained employer and employee representatives on collective bargaining and the role of labour market institutions applicable to Harare such as NEC and Central Works Council”, “Awareness campaigns on the rights of employees”.

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